The 3 Mins Hydrate® Gel Masks
keep the skin’s hydration levels in check, resulting in a clean, fresh and
energized face. The Vitamin E derived from avocado and lemon extracts can
quickly hydrate the top layer of your skin, while the infused Hyaluronic Acid
and other natural ingredients can penetrate deep into the skin, hydrating and
moisturizing it thoroughly. Frequent usage results in a well balanced and
hydrated surface, preventing the makeup from creasing or caking due to dryness.
Focallure Twin-Core Gel Masks
can help you to solve all kinds of skin troubles. The appearance of the
twin-core masks is just like an egg, consisting of a hydrating core (egg white)
and a functional core (egg yolk) packed in a cute little fish-like packaging.
The hydrating core can provide deep hydration to the skin while different
variants of the functional-core has different effects, targeted to solve the
problems of different skin types.
3 Mins Hydrate® Gel Masks keep the skin’s hydration levels in check, resulting
in a clean, fresh and energized face. The Vitamin E derived from avocado and
lemon extracts can quickly hydrate the top layer of your skin, while the
infused Hyaluronic Acid and other natural ingredients can penetrate deep into
the skin, hydrating and moisturizing it thoroughly. Frequent usage results in a
well balanced and hydrated surface, preventing the makeup from creasing or
caking due to dryness.